Things you need to know about PORNOGRAPHY/BLUE FILM


What we allow to pass through our eyes and from the eyes into our minds has everything to do with who we will turn out to be and how we will behave. Ted Bundy, a rapist and a serial killer facing a death sentence for his heinous crimes revealed his dark secrets in a death row interview in 1989. His confession stunned and continues to stun the world. His interview was televised on CNN a few days before his death. 

Pornography overloads the brain with large quantities of excitatory stimuli which causes an imbalance of the body's neurochemistry. Neuropsychologist A.R. Luria explains that the brain obeys a 'Law of strength'. The more exciting, threatening, horrifying, arousing or stimulating an image is, the more quickly it will be let through by the reticular formation and stored in the brain, along with the emotions and beliefs associated with that image. For this reason therefore, pornography receives deeper access to the recesses of our brain because of their unusual exciting nature. This is why pornography can have a deep and lasting impact on the human brain altering its structure and function, this can cause many people to struggle for years to free themselves. 

By and large, pornography desensitizes people and make them less inhibited. Women who tend to expose what is private have lost a healthy function of the brain because as Richard Resark (1988) put it,  inhibition rather than excitation is the hallmark of a healthy brain. 

Never was, pornography is addictive, each pornographic experience becomes a stored memory and begins to realign the neurological pathways of the brain. Over time this process restructures the brain's neurological connections and actually changes the way you think and act. 

In general, it is important to understand the great qualities of manhood: self control, integrity and treating women with respect. Real manhood and womanhood involve self-denial. To react with repulsion in the face of pornography indicates inner beauty and strength. Enjoy!
Eminent Dibor Celestine Nworji

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