Embarassing Pictures The Trumps Don’t Want You To See

Playboy President? 

Who’d have thought that a man who once posed on the cover of Playboy magazine would end up becoming the president of the U.S.?

Needless to say, this isn’t very “presidential,” but are you really surprised by this point to learn that something like this happened to a man who was born rich and entitled and has spent his entire adult life striving to become a celebrity?

This is the cover of a 1990 issue of Playboy that featured an interview with Donald Trump about what he would do if he were ever elected president. And, since it seems like he’s flip-flopped on basically every position he’s ever taken, here’s a quote from that very same interview that seems so ironic today: “[A president Trump] would believe very strongly in extreme military strength. He wouldn’t trust anyone. He wouldn’t trust the Russians….” Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/
Trump’s World of Partying With Models
With his love of sexually harassing women, the Trump Modeling Agency is surely a business that’s near and dear to Donald’s heart. Though the rumors lately have swirled that the agency is shutting its doors, there are many stories surrounding the agency about all-night, drug-fueled parties where rich men could mingle with under-aged models.Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

How NOT To Hug Your Daughter

It’s no secret that daughter Ivanka is Donald’s favorite among his five children from his three different wives. However, is this a healthy father-daughter relationship?
Some of their photos together — coupled with the many inappropriate remarks he’s gone on record for making about her appearance — definitely kick the “ewwww” factor up to the next level. Like, for example, that time he said his daughter has a “nice figure,” which he inexplicably followed up with, “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” Let me think for a sec…Yup, that’s officially waaaayyyy too far across the line. Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/
More Father Daughterly Love…
It’s good for a father to show affection to his child and this picture wouldn’t have been a big deal if Trump hadn’t said that he’d date his own daughter. Perhaps as Trump’s wives aged (because he’s on his third now) he ha to look for some younger love from his own daughter. Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

Daddy’s Little…um…Lover?

Next up in the cavalcade of Things You Can’t Unsee is this uncomfortable set of photos that feature a teenaged Ivanka sitting directly in her father’s lap, snuggling closely up to him with “bedroom eyes” and even caressing his face, while he holds her around the hips. Why in the world does this daddy-daughter pic look like a photo shoot for a wedding engagement announcement?
This is a good time to remind everyone that 1) these two people are related by blood; and 2) Donald is a full 36 years older than his daughter. How could anyone ever have thought these poses were appropriate? Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

He Can’t Help But Kiss ‘Em

This photo shows Donald’s two favorite women — his daughter and his wife — on either side of him. At this point in the slideshow, you won’t be at all surprised which one he’s trying to kiss….
Again, we have so many questions. Why is he holding Ivanka closer to his side than his wife Melania? What does Melania think about this bizarre relationship? And why, oh, why, is Ivanka’s dress so thin we can all see her right nipple? Excuse us while we go look at pictures of puppies to try to get this image out of our brains.

Ivanka Lap Dancing

Honestly, it doesn’t matter how close a father and daughter are. This picture, which shows a teenaged Ivanka literally giving Daddy a lap dance, is insanely inappropriate. Even in a close-knit family, there are some borderlines that should never be crossed, and I think we can all agree this is one of them.
It really makes you wonder what was going through Ivanka’s mind during all these cuddling sessions with her dad — and, if it seemed OK to pose like this when they knew they were being photographed, what might have been going on behind closed doors. So wrong.
Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

An Awkward Embrace?
Holding and caressing your teenaged daughter is horrible enough, but taking a moment to publicly grope your adult daughter is just crossing another line. These photos, taken at the Republican National Convention, show an exchange between Donald and Ivanka as she finished a speech and changed places with her father on the stage. Wait until you see the next picture though!

Again, look how low his hands are on her hips. And take a look at where his eyes are pointing…why is he eyeing his daughter’s body like that? Is it just us, or is everyone in this family in serious need of psychiatric counseling to take a closer look at their parental relationships?
Inappropriate Kisses

Olivia Culpo, who won the Miss Universe title in 2012, doesn’t look too pleased about this surprise kiss from the Donald.
Trump owned the Miss Universe Organization and its associated pageants for two decades, until he was forced to sell it after making some insulting comments that made broadcasters NBC and Univision drop him like a hot potato. However, those 20 years were more than enough time for him to have inappropriate interactions with young, female pageant contestants, which he has done his fair share of creepy bragging about.  Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/
Forced Kisser

Donald has bragged about how much he loves forcing women to kiss him, and there’s plenty of photographic evidence to back that up… There’s even more pictures to show that.

This doesn’t even look like a pleasant kiss. With his arm behind her head and his hand locked on her face, it definitely looks like he’s the only one enjoying this kiss. But wait, there’s more… Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/
First Lady Trophy Wife

Melania clearly didn’t sign up to be first lady when she married Trump, because this picture is not very First Lady-like. In fact, photos of her from several nude photo shoots have surfaced. Though there’s no shame in modeling naked, and women are free to do whatever they want with their bodies, Melania is definitely the first First Lady in U.S. history to go from the runway to the White House. The fact that she’s 24 years younger than her husband is another example of how Donald emphasizes youth and attractiveness over any other attributes a woman has.
The Playboy

After several former models from foreign countries spoke out that they were in the U.S. illegally, allegations of human trafficking also surround the agency. Given that Trump is known for unethical business practices, we wouldn’t be surprised if this turned out to be the case. Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

A Close Shave

If Donald Trump’s ridiculous antics, over-the-top boasting and outright lies seem familiar to you, you’re probably a WWE fan. After hosting several WWE WrestleMania events, Donald became a familiar fixture in the WWE, often appearing in the crowd or participating in staged events. Today, he is in the WWE Hall of Fame.
The previous photos show the results of a bet between WWE owner Vince McMahon and Trump, after each agreed to send a proxy into the ring to fight at WrestleMania 23. The price of losing would be a forced haircut, to be shaved bald in front of the crowd. The photos above show the outcome of the bet. We think it’s probably for the best Donnie didn’t have to have his head shaved, since it’s hard to tell if his hair is entirely real. Read more at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/


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