Man wedded a dog in San Francisco, USA,

 THE RECENT DISORDERS: Man wedded a dog in San Francisco, USA,
World events since 2001 show indeed that the world remains as fractional as ever but now 'disordered' in
other ways. A complete century of tremendous human progress since 1900 has been
negated with unfathomable regression in character, social order, economic equity and natural environmental peace. The global landscape is being re-configured in several (strange) ways, besides politically or militarily. Civilization or nationhood is not all about military and economic independence. What carries and sustains any civilization is the moral strength and character of its people. Several civilizations on earth have been perpetuated through the moral ruggedness of their people. 

Unfortunately, the moral gene of mankind has deteriorated terribly in the last one hundred years. According to Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian patriot who died in 1948, the seven social sins are “politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, education without character, commerce without morality, worship without sacrifice, and science without humanity.” Today we glory on these evils. Street prostitutes in the 1930s in Europe had shame – they wore long gowns with elbow-length sleeves like saintly women (Bernard, 1999). 

Today, supposed decent ladies and girls are all but stripped in their Western-style clothing and have not the slightest shame. Everywhere you look and everywhere you go, you will see a woman or a girl that is half-naked. Every receptionist or female bank teller has to be a painted, breast-showing Hollywood look-alike! Womanhood is the backbone of any nation but with this degradation the world has entered an irreversible plunge to cultural and moral disaster. Then to complete this act of reprobation, same-sex marriage is now law in many countries. Adultery if done for business purposes is also legal in some countries. Man-animal marriages are now old news! The most celebrated was the man who wedded a dog in San Francisco, USA, in February 2014. 

What has cultural life to do with global disorder? Everything! If our human value is lost, we will probably wind up with animal value and animal sense. Nature itself is revolting against man's intransigence: witness the unrelenting level of earthquakes, tsunamis, wild fires, climate change, drought, acid rain, nameless diseases, etc. What about unending air and road disasters, frauds, robberies, kidnapping, assassinations, nuclear plant disasters, child abuse, bombing, protests, etc? Bad news come every minute and who can sleep?

Man is plural in worldview, besides being selfish and self-preserving. The new world order of globalization, facilitated by the advances in ICT, has brought mankind into a closer struggle for the resources of a finite earth. Economic and military Darwinism is the name of the game. Unfortunately, man over time has proven that he lacks the virtues needed to manage power and competition. This lack in character is now compounded with moral depravity institutionalized. Right is wrong and wrong is right. 

That is the latest disorder. Man's power of moral reasoning is diminishing. There is no more audacity in his spine to uphold nobility. So what is next? Albert Einstein, the founder of the law of relativity, the greatest scientist in all history, said in 1946, after World War Two, “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift towards unparalleled catastrophe.” Governments and law-makers all over the world should look again at their plans and decisions. We are not just a permissive society; we are permitting our common and mutual destruction.

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