JIRCAS Installs High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Department of Microbiology

JIRCAS Installs High Performance Liquid Chromatography  in Department of Microbiology
Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) has installed an ultra modern High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in the Department of Microbiology, University of Nigeria Nsukka.

The donation was a fall out of on-going research collaboration between JIRCAS and the University of Nigeria on “Estimation of amounts of available bio-resources in Nigeria, and development of fermentation technology for biomass utilization” Read More at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

The HPLC, which has a Refractive Index Detector, can be used for quantitative determination of alcohols and sugars, from various samples. The Department also used the opportunity to service another HPLC which had not been functional in the Department.

The serviced HPLC has Infra Red detector and can be used to measure many organic compounds. Prior to the installation, there was no functional HPLC in the University and the installation of the two HPLCs is expected to enhance research in Bio-Sciences in the University. Read More at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/

The Vice Chancellor, Prof Benjamin Ozumba, thanked JIRCAS for the good gesture and promised that University of Nigeria will do her best to encourage and sustain research collaborations between the two Institutions.He also expressed his interest in Bio-energy production.

Responding, Dr Omae of JIRCAS expressed the willingness of his organization to collaborate on the bio-energy project and suggested that the University and JIRCAS should write a joint proposal and seek sponsorship from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Read More at: https://danelite.blogspot.com.ng/


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